Tears for Belgium

Paris-Brussels terrorist attacks 2015-2016

Paris-Brussels terrorist attacks 2015-2016

Tears for Belgium 2016 March Orig

Preceding posts:

Daesh hits heart of Europe

A Black day for Belgium – Brussels Airport ravage

Knife-trust in democratic sore back

About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".
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12 Responses to Tears for Belgium

  1. Pingback: Reaction from U.S.A. President Barack Obama | Marcus Ampe's Space

  2. guestpeaker says:

    Reblogged this on From guestwriters and commented:

    Our thoughts are with all the people affected by this cowardly attacks.

    A pity that only such terror acts brings out the feelings of unity by the people of different nations. Though we also notice that certain places often are forgotten, though they too suffer under terrorist acts or under acts of war.

    Attacks such as these underscore need for continued & concerted push by all nations to counter violent extremism.

    People should unite even more and show much more interest to each-others believes and culture and need to stand together against these appalling terrorists, making sure they can never win.


  3. Pingback: March 22 2016, attacks in Brussels at airport and metro | Marcus Ampe's Space

  4. Pingback: De getuigen bij Pauw zijn bekende uit dezelfde hoek | Marcus Ampe's Space

  5. Pingback: For those who call the Brussels Airport attacks a fake or a conspiracy of the government | Marcus Ampe's Space

  6. Pingback: What Associated Press released on Wednesday 23 March 2016 | Marcus Ampe's Space

  7. Pingback: Bruxelles Ma Belle | From guestwriters

  8. Pingback: Silence, devotion, Salafists, quietists, weaponry, bombings, books, writers and terrorists | Marcus Ampe's Space

  9. Pingback: Evil wins when the good does not act. | From guestwriters

  10. Pingback: French showing to the whole world their fear and weakeness | Stepping Toes

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