Give me nice dry warm weather

What is your favorite type of weather?

At last, the sun seems to show some of her warming rays. It is already the third of May, but we did not get yet some warmth of Spring. It looks more like Spring does not want to show her tail or her nose.

Cold, windy weather and dark days are nothing for me. I prefer the sun and warmth.

You might me finding dancing in the rain, but that is not because I love rain. It is just that I do not want to be conquered by the rain and show to her I take her as part of this life, because without enough rain we would not have enough green, flowering plants and beautiful trees.

Even in dark times, like Winter, I do prefer to keep the sun in my head and heart and let my warmth go out of my painful body.

I always look forward to more light and warmer temperatures. Springtime giving me the first signals that the earth is coming back to life. Everything trying to come out of the ground or out of the branches, showing grand new colours in a blue sky.

Summer is for me the high season where I feel more alive, not to have to endure so much pain. The only problem in Summer would be when it becomes too humid, that is ‘killing me’. Since there are no schoolchildren or me not teaching anymore I can go southwards in September and October to make the most of the European Summer warmth.

By some nice warm temperatures, you can find me in nature, hiking or in the mountains, climbing. I need the warmth to let my blood run through my veins.




  1. A weather to feel I live
  2. What is your favorite type of weather?
  3. My Favorite Type Of Weather
  4. My favorite type of weather. – Am a Ugandan,it would be a lie if i say that we have winter,but it rains oftenly and shines,i like it when it’s sunny, because am allergic to coldness..
  5. 1025. My Hot Favourite..
  6. Spring has sprung
  7. Springtime: A Time for New Beginnings
  8. It’s Springtime: When everything sprouts out hope
  9. Weather
  10. Weatherman
  11. Sunny day
  12. Weather: Warm, sunny, 23-25c, dry in the day, with gentle rain during the night.
  13. That Misty Type
  14. Rain
  15. A box of rain to ease the pain
  16. Dancing in the Rain
  17. Rain stunting off the window
  18. “Clearing shower Weather “
  19. Cold slow wind with soft rain drops
  20. the cool weather is by far my favorite weather, fall is my favorite season!!
  21. Daily prompt Winter ❄️ For sure!
  22. Winter is here. You may not be surrounded by mountains filled with snow, but winter nonetheless has something whimsical to offer no matter where you are.
  23. Winter my favourite season
  24. Snow, snow, snow.
  25. Your Daily Reminder

About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".
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2 Responses to Give me nice dry warm weather

  1. Pingback: What does freedom mean to you? | Marcus Ampe's Space

  2. Pingback: Cold weather is nothing for me – Worldviewer

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