A look at the terrible American bluff

When it comes to actual figures by the polls, Trump has carried most of the weight in the majority of polls taken this year — a New York Times poll from May 13 of 1.000 Americans showed the former president leading Biden in five of six key battleground states.
Biden led Trump only in Wisconsin with a margin of 47% to 45%. While the accuracy of this poll has been questioned, the Trump lead appears to be in line with a May 14 YouGov/Economist poll of 1,586 voters that had Trump leading 42% to 41% and a May 12 Morning Consult poll of 10,243 voters that had him leading 44% to 43%.

Horribly! If taking into account just the poll results by themselves, which all have margins of error under 4%, it seems that pollsters are predicting Donald Trump to return to the White House in 2024, and his dominant victories made it evident from the beginning that he would be crowned the GOP’s nominee.

Bad enough, Europe will have to face some elections in its own regions, where the far right may emerge victorious. With, in America, the far conservatives and Trump supporters, that could make for a very explosive cocktail in the coming months.

The court case might bring a swing. Furthermore, recent polls show that Biden has been gaining on Trump — and in some cases even beating him. This includes a pair of RMG Research polls from May 9, each of 2,000 voters. The first showed Biden leading Trump in a head-to-head matchup 44% to 42%. The second added independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to the mix, which caused Biden’s lead over Trump to increase from two points to three.

It can also be observed that a lot of Americans are fed up with the bickering and bluffing and have had enough of this election circus.

Fox News’ Juan Williams said for The Hill that

“The Democrats have the power to make this year’s race into a referendum on Trump rather than Biden.,”

Trump’s significant legal and financial troubles might just kill him this time.  He may keep shouting that the courts being explained to him were brought there by Biden and that they are there to make his life miserable and take him out. Soon we shall know if the judges agree that there was an illegal hush money scheme with Stormy Daniels.

His legal troubles up to this point have yet to hurt his campaign. Sometimes we do get the impression that Trump does not care much and that his supporters are becoming even more eager to support him financially.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. although he entered the race as a Democrat, came now running as an independent and polls show that he could potentially play the role of a third party spoiler. That could make it interesting then, especially when we saw how at a meeting of liberals where Trump was invited to speak, he was booed.
The smaller parties we hear little from here in Europe would do better to put their fists on the table this year and insist that their say be heard too.

The bottom line now is that those smaller parties can lure as many voters away from the Trump camp as possible.

The chance for RFK Jr. to play spoiler is very much alive!

For the USA the voters will get their first early preview of the general election on June 27, when Biden and Trump will hold a CNN debate in what will be a historically early matchup. A second debate between the two men will be held by ABC News in September.

About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".
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3 Responses to A look at the terrible American bluff

  1. November 5th: fireworks day in the UK, and fireworks in the US, as the country goes to the polls to decide not only who should be president – but, probably, the future direction of American democracy too. Donald Trump, who may or may not have a criminal conviction by then, is promising vengeance. This is going to be ugly and consequential.

    Can Donald Trump pull off the most incredible comeback and unseat Joe Biden this time round?

    It’s the contest that most Americans don’t want, but it’s the only choice they will have come November.

    The outcome will have huge ramifications not only for America, but for the rest of the world.

    Let us hope that he will have to lose face and that his true nature will be recognised by several Americans this time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Beyond a reasonable doubt Donald J Trump is guilty declares jury – Worldviewer

  3. Pingback: Could Trump go to prison – Some View on the World

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