A map of the 90 corporations responsible for 63% of global carbon emissions since 1854

The world also should make an effort to cut emissions with the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus (REDD+) by tightening also its policy regarding the palm oil plantation and coal mining.

The acrimonious dispute standing in the way of an accord on reducing global carbon emissions, not minding the United States still being a very high polluter and having made itself rich by spewing most of the extra carbon that has accumulated in the atmosphere, is for a good reason a thorn in their weak (baby) flesh. To say that their citizens should not have to pay for the actions of their ancestors is an easy way to get out when one keeps thinking they can continue to use all the fossils and do not have to worry about later generations how they are going to cope without gas and petrol.


Also by keeping to provide those industries which have been responsible for 63% of cumulative global greenhouse gas emissions between 1854 and 2010, with tax reductions and political backing to continue their work without having to take extra measures not to pollute so much, is not going to help.


Marcin Korolec, President of the COP19 may have been positive about the end result of this summit, saying:

Warsaw has set a pathway for governments to work on a draft text of a new universal climate agreement so it appears on the table at the next UN Climate change conference in Peru. This is an essential step to reach a final agreement in Paris, in 2015.”

The $280 million (£173m) from the US, Norway and the UK may shed a little light on giving a sort of incense for the developing countries to stop deforestation and so cut greenhouse gas emissions. Another decision which can be considered helpful is to start an international mechanism to give most vulnerable populations better protection against losses caused by extreme weather events and rising sea levels.


Preceding article: Postponing once more



  • Mere 90 cos are worst air polluters since 1854 (dnaindia.com)
    Just 90 companies have been responsible for almost two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions generated since the Industrial Revolution began, new research has suggested. And, 83 of them are energy companies producing oil, gas and coal.

    If that is not worrying enough, the study by Richard Heede of the Colorado-based Climate Accountability Institute has concluded that half of all emissions have been produced in the last 25 years alone.

  • Who is Responsible for Climate Change: Nations or Corporations? (environmentalchangewestern.wordpress.com)
    We always think of our responsibility as Canadians to reduce our impact on the environment and this is reflected by our Nation’s signing of environmental treaties like the Kyoto Protocol or the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation.  Most of these international agreements focus on developed nations, like ours, significantly reducing our Carbon emissions. But what about the environmental damage done by corporations? Where do they fit into these international agreements?
    Link to article: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10584-013-0986-y

    Image: http://carbonmajors.org/downloadable-graphics/

    Heede, R. (2013, October 14). Tracing anthropogenic carbon dioxide and methane emissions to fossil fuel and cement producers, 1854-2010. SpringerLink. Retrieved November 2013 from http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10584-013-0986-y

  • 90 companies worldwide produced fuels driving climate change (latimes.com)
    The 90 biggest producers of fuels driving climate change include investor-owned corporations, such as Exxon Mobil and Chevron, and state-owned oil companies, such as Saudi Aramco and Mexico’s Pemex.

    The study attributes 914 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases to the fuels extracted by the companies, which is 63% of the total 1,450 billion metric tons of emissions estimated since the mid-19th century.

    The study, published in the journal Climatic Change, also found that of the 914 billion metric tons, half was pumped into the atmosphere since 1986, a result of the rapid industrialization of the developing world. The journal focuses on the causes and implications of climactic change.

    “This is the most complete picture we have of which institutions extracted coal, oil and natural gas and when,” said Richard Heede, the study’s author and head of the Climate Accountability Institute, a small research group in Snowmass, Colo.

  • UN agrees multi-billion dollar framework to tackle deforestation (trust.org)
    U.N. negotiators on Friday agreed rules on financing forest projects in developing nations, paving the way for multi-billion dollar investments from governments, funding agencies and private firms in schemes to halt deforestation.

    The agreement on “results-based” funding for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) was a rare breakthrough at the climate talks in Warsaw, where negotiators are struggling to make progress in discussions on emissions cuts and climate change aid.

    The deal was “another big step forward”, said Ed Davey, the British minister for energy and climate change.

  • UN Envoys Endorse First Steps Toward Next Global Warming Treaty (bloomberg.com)
    The delegates at a United Nations conference called on those who are ready to make pledges on emissions by the first quarter of 2015. They authorized work on a “loss and damage” mechanism that would help the poorest cope with the impact of climate change, took in $100 million in aid pledges to fund adaptation programs and agreed on a forest-protection deal.

    Record carbon emissions have lifted the Earth’s temperature about 0.8 degrees Celsius since the industrial revolution. As a result, sea levels are rising, oceans are acidifying and glaciers and sea ice are melting. Photographer: Paul J. Richards/AFP via Getty Images

    The meeting sidestepped the most thorny issues in the debate, namely how to divide up responsibility for emissions cuts and how richer nations will meet their promise to channel $100 billion a year by 2020 in aid for climate projects. Those concerns may stymie work toward a broader accord in two years.

    “There are some very difficult political issues that will need to be addressed over the next two years if we are going to have a successful outcome,” said Alden Meyer, an observer of the talks for two decades at the Union of Concerned Scientists, said at the meeting yesterday in Warsaw, Poland. “We’re just at the beginning of a long and potentially difficult journey.”

  • Norway, UK, U.S. allocate $280 million to stop deforestation (reuters.com)
    The governments of Norway, Britain and the United States on Wednesday said they will allocate $280 million of their multi-billion dollar climate change finances to a new initiative aimed at halting deforestation.

    The announcement was made at U.N. talks in Warsaw, where more than 9,000 delegates are meeting to hammer out the foundations of a new global treaty to combat climate change.

    The money, part of the nations’ previously announced climate finances, will be administered by the World Bank’s BioCarbon Fund and aims to fund sustainable farming and better land use.

  • Even if emissions stop, carbon dioxide could warm Earth for centuries (sciencedaily.com)
    Even if carbon dioxide emissions came to a sudden halt, the carbon dioxide already in Earth’s atmosphere could continue to warm our planet for hundreds of years, according to Princeton University-led research published in the journal Nature Climate Change. The study suggests that it might take a lot less carbon than previously thought to reach the global temperature scientists deem unsafe.
  • Carbon in atmosphere ‘could warm planet for centuries.’ (telegraph.co.uk)

    To understand how long its influence on global temperatures will last, scientists produced a computer model of a scenario where all carbon emissions were immediately stopped after 1,800 billion tonnes had been released into the atmosphere.

    They found that 40 per cent of the carbon would be absorbed by the oceans or landmasses within 20 years of emissions ceasing, 60 per cent within 100 years and 80 per cent within 1,000 years.

    According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an increase of 2C or more above pre-industrial levels could result in dangerous effects on the climate system.

    Experts have previously warned that to keep global temperature rises below 2C, humans must keep the total amount of carbon dioxide emitted in the industrial era below 1,000 billion tonnes, about half of which has already been released.

    But the new study suggests the 2C benchmark could be reached with significantly lower carbon emissions.

  • Wow! Just 90 Companies Caused 63 Percent of Man-Made Global Warming Emissions (onegreenplanet.org)
    Get the wanted posters ready! The parties responsible for a majority of the pollution causing climate change have been narrowed down to a list of less than 100!  After the historic news this fall from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change  that officially puts the probability of manmade global warming at 95 percent, a new report may narrow down who’s really responsible among us.  This report for the Journal of Climatic Change, written by climate researchers Richard Heede, proves that just 90 companies worldwide are responsible for three quarters of all greenhouse gas emissions since the industrial revolution!  Almost 30 percent of the emissions were produced by the top 20 companies alone!
  • Even If Emissions Stop, Carbon Dioxide Could Warm Earth for Centuries (chimalaya.org)
    Even if carbon dioxide emissions came to a sudden halt, the carbon dioxide already in Earth’s atmosphere could continue to warm our planet for hundreds of years, according to Princeton University-led research published in the journal Nature Climate Change. The study suggests that it might take a lot less carbon than previously thought to reach the global temperature scientists deem unsafe.The researchers simulated an Earth on which, after 1,800 billion tons of carbon entered the atmosphere, all carbon dioxide emissions suddenly stopped. Scientists commonly use the scenario of emissions screeching to a stop to gauge the heat-trapping staying power of carbon dioxide. Within a millennium of this simulated shutoff, the carbon itself faded steadily with 40 percent absorbed by Earth’s oceans and landmasses within 20 years and 80 percent soaked up at the end of the 1,000 years.

    By itself, such a decrease of atmospheric carbon dioxide should lead to cooling. But the heat trapped by the carbon dioxide took a divergent track.

About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".
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2 Responses to A map of the 90 corporations responsible for 63% of global carbon emissions since 1854

  1. Pingback: Stopping emissions will not stop the warming of our planet | Marcus' s Space

  2. Pingback: The world is still on course for climate catastrophe – Some View on the World

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