Al Qaeda regaining foothold in Middle East bubonic plague for American elections

Some would like to hold Obama responsible for all the things that went bad in the United States for the last few years, other look at him as the vanquisher of al Qaeda.

There may have been the  daring raid that killed the most hated man in what was once known as Christendom, bin Laden, with everybody hoping it would bring the world to calmness again, but it did not. Mainly because there were stupid people who wanted to get some international attention. some found it necessary to agitate the Muslims to get their cause in the picture. On the anniversary of  the 9/11 attacks, terrorists pulled off a daring, successful attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, killing the American ambassador and three others. The Muslims had good reason to strike on September the 11th. For them doing it in a nation where NATO had just installed a new government was  laughing at the world indicating that it could not have their say in Muslim world. They also showed the world that the NATO would love the world to believe they could handle it and that the regions they would like to have under control are moderate and peaceful, but that it is not as the Western Power Machine presents in the media.

English: The Jeliana Bridge in Benghazi, Libya...

Can the U.S.A. form the Bridge between West and East? – The Jeliana Bridge in Benghazi, Libya over the 23rd of July lake. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

For the Middle East matter it was also no help that Republicans and Israelis were ramping up the pressure on president Obama to take a harder line against Iran’s nuclear program and the theocracy’s ally in Syria.

America wanted to soothe the world and minimise the problem, but by doing so the Muslim extremists felt mocked at and took more offence, certainly when the western world did not enough to do something against the French Hebdo cartoons.

U.S. economy grew at an even more sluggish pace in the 2nd quarter,” and subsequently revised gross domestic product figures “downward from 1.7 percent to 1.3 percent.” when more problems in the Middle-East would arise some think this may give the weapon industry another boost. but on the other hand the world can need it as a hole in the head.

Obama succeeded to have more than $1 trillion in stimulus measures, got his 2010 health law and a massive package of bank regulations, those things were mostly unpopular. Killing is all upside.

This perception of Obama as the vanquisher of al Qaeda was not only reinforced by the president’s frequent mentions of it but by leaks from the administration that cast Obama as a philosopher/warrior contemplating a kill list for his armada of drones and weighing carefully his power of life and death over his enemies.

The only times Obama has much talked about radical Islamist terrorism in the campaign, he has sought to reinforce the notion that the war is won and he won it. He promises constant vigilance, but suggests that the season of anxiety for the nation is over. And it is far from over.

It would be better if both parties would face this ongoing problem and would try to show the world also how they would like to work together to get Russia on the site of the majority of the United Nations and to become an ally to work against terrorism all over the world and against all the religious extremists (Muslim, Christian, Hindu a.o.).

They also should give more attention to the discrespanstion in the world about the wages. It should not be allowed any more that certain people can earn up to more than three hundred times more than an other worker. Also companies should give their fair share of taxes to the community.

And the world shall have to get to be informed that it should work on a system where all people, no matter which religion, should have to be trained or educated to be respectful for each others ideas, how different they may be.

The united States, Europe, Russia, china and India should join forces to embank the extremism and to give their citizens the right picture of other cultures and religious thoughts. But they also should work on the unemployment which continues to worsen, and as such undermines the tranquillity of the governmental systems in the different countries. This unrest by the population, looking for means to survive could became a ticking bomb for the Capitalist countries and the democratic systems.


Syria (Photo credit: ewixx)

In first instance the world has something to do against the Islamic bubonic plague and than it has urgently to direct his attention to the labour-force and just distribution of wealth. In the Middle-east we can see that the inequality is also a nutrient medium. If the presidents and governments in charge are not going to work to wipe out this substrate for extremism they shall be giving Al Quaeda and other extremist organisation the wind in the sails and those who would like to undermine the democratic system shall be able to hang out the flags.

Romney has not benefited from revelations about the Obama administration bungling its initial response to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya. Obama actually expanded his lead over Romney last week on who is better able to handle foreign policy, from 9 points to 12 points.

Democratic intensity has slipped slightly to 75 percent. A week before last, still in the afterglow of their convention, 81 percent of Democrats called themselves “extremely likely” to vote. Republican enthusiasm, meanwhile, held steady around 80 percent.

Regardless of whom they’re supporting, twice as many voters (61 percent) expect the president to prevail in November as expect him to lose.

  • Expanded role for American mouthpiece of al Qaeda (
    American born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahnhas released a new propaganda video in support of rebel uprisings throughout the Middle East and North Africa.The nearly 84-minute video, “Advice and Support to Our Rebel Brothers Against Injustice,” was released on extremist websites and forums on September 20, and was reported to have been produced on April 30 by al Qaeda’s As-Sahab media wing.

    Since first appearing in an al Qaeda propaganda video under the name Azzam al-Amriki (Azzam the American) in 2004, Gadahn has continued to appear in numerous videos denouncing the West due to his ability to appeal to western Muslims and knowledge of western culture.

    But the release of this lengthy video, in which the typically English-speaking Gadahn addresses his audience in Arabic, illustrates that the American’s role has expanded beyond a propagandist catering to westerners.

  • Ambassador Chris Stevens Is Dead; Al-Qaeda Is Alive (
    defeating al-Qaeda is just part of a broader (and also false) campaign narrative.
    Never lacking ambition or self-regard, Obama promised in Cairo, June 4, 2009, “a new beginning” offering Muslims “mutual respect,” unsubtly implying previous disrespect. Curious, as over the previous 20 years, America had six times committed its military forces on behalf of oppressed Muslims, three times for reasons of pure humanitarianism (Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo), where no U.S. interests were at stake.

    To be sure, those who spin the narrative that ‘terror’ is dead (as if Islam has nothing to do with it!), because Bin Laden is swimming with the fishes, are either desperate to believe it, or mendacious in their spinning.

    It is impossible, for rational folks, to contend that the death of one terror mastermind is the death of an entire ideology. And, herein lies the crux of the matter.

    The bloody facts at hand tell an entirely different story, and this is exactly the story that PC media pundits, plus leftist leaders will NEVER tell.

    To wit, here are just some of the truths –

    The truth shall set us free, as well as save western civilization!

  • The Grand Game. (
    18+ different locations saw Muslims venting their anger, it spread from the Middle East to Australia. Washington said it was deploying forces to cope with violence.
    Al-Qaeda said the deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya was in revenge for the killing of the network’s number two Sheikh Abu Yahya al-Libi, SITE Intelligence Group reported Saturday.“The killing of Sheikh Abu Yahya only increased the enthusiasm and determination of the sons of (Libyan independence hero) Omar al-Mokhtar to take revenge upon those who attack our Prophet,” Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said, quoted by the US-based monitoring group.

    Symbols of US influence in cities across the Muslim world came under attack — embassies and schools as well as fast food chains — as protesters vented their fury at the low-budget American-made YouTube film, “Innocence of Muslims”.
    It has become abundantly obvious that Europe will soon become unwilling or unable to continue bailing out every country with a debt problem. Meanwhile, the U.S. economy continues to limp on, the false security offered by a collective distaste for one ratings agency and its poor mathematics.

  • Dispatches From The War That Nobody Wants (
    {I can not agree with the writer when he states that “we live in a harmonious world of interfaith comity with only the occasional criminal act that is quickly and competently handled by law enforcement officials.”}
    here are a few stories that might matter if we didn’t have such a wise and level-headed government in Washington that was bent on soothing and quieting what might otherwise be an aroused and worried public opinion.
  • Terrorism? Nah, Let’s Bash Mitt! (
    The mainstream media is ignoring the Obama administration’s shifting explanations for the U.S. Consulate attack in Libya—and the very real terror threat it implies—in favor of piling on Romney. Kirsten Powers on why we should all be worried.
    While most of the media herd was fretting that Mitt Romney paid too much in taxes, The Daily Beast’s Eli Lake discovered that the administration had known within 24 hours that al Qaeda was behind the attack in Benghazi. One official said, according to a Fox News report, “No one … believed that the mortars, indirect and direct fire, and the RPGs were just the work of a mob—no one.” When I asked the White House and State Department whether they had such information in the hours following the attack, they refused to answer on the record. Suddenly the people who released endless and specific details about the killing of Osama bin Laden find it unreasonable that one would expect them to discuss intelligence matters.
  • Bombshell: Obama Administration Deleted State Dept. Memo From Internet After Discovering Al-Qaeda Was Behind Benghazi Attack (
    On Wednesday September 12, 2012 blogger Speak With Authority discovered that five days before 9-11, the US State Department sent out a memo announcing no credible security threats against the United States on the anniversary of 9-11.
    The State Department scrubbed the letter from its OSAC website.
  • Clinton Admits Al Qaeda Behind Benghazi Attack (
    As the US finally admits the murder of the US ambassador was an act of terrorism Hillary Clinton now suggests the attack was the work of Al Qaeda affiliated Salafi Jihadists.From day one, the Obama administration was aware that the September 11 assault on the US consulate in Benghazi was a pre-planned terrorist attack, despite offering up conflicting explanations in the weeks since.Unnamed officials confirm to Fox News that the White House knew that al-Qaeda-linked terrorists were behind the murder of four Americans in Libya, but only today did US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta publicly acknowledge the truth.

    Secretary Panetta now admits that the Pentagon knew within hours of the assault on America’s Benghazi consulate that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others dead that it was an act of terrorism.

    The Obama administration has altered their explanation repeatedly in the weeks since Mr. Stevens and three others were killed on September 11, 2012 while on assignment in Libya. On Thursday, the Defense Department confirmed the attack as having been hatched by terrorists, despite earlier statements made by the White House that suggested an anti-American film produced in the US had triggered a spontaneous assault.

    “The reason I think it pretty clearly was a terrorist attack is because a group of terrorists obviously conducted that attack on the consulate and against our individuals,” Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Thursday alongside Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey. “What terrorists were involved I think still remains to be determined by the investigation. But it clearly was a group of terrorists who conducted that attack against that facility.”
    Libya Officials, Past Attacks Contradict US Benghazi Attack Narrative

  • Al-Qaeda Infiltrating Syrian Opposition, With US Support (
    Al-Qaeda militants and other Sunni extremists are becoming a greater and greater part of the conflict in Syria, just as the US officially announced it was abandoning any pretense of a diplomatic approach in favor of toppling the regime through proxy rebel groups.
  • EXCLUSIVE: Senior al Qaeda figure ‘living in Libyan capital’ (
    A veteran al Qaeda operative indicted in connection with the bombings of two U.S. embassies in East Africa is alive and well in Libya, according to Western intelligence sources.
    In the 1990s, al Libi was regarded as one of al Qaeda’s most capable operatives – an expert in surveillance and computers. His role within the organization came to light through testimony from a fellow al Qaeda operative who described al Libi’s visit to the Kenyan capital of Nairobi in 1993.  He is alleged to have conducted surveillance of possible Western targets, including the U.S. Embassy.
    Al Libi is not the only al Qaeda operative back in Libya, nor even the only the one who lived in Manchester in the late 1990s.
  • al Qaeda calls Ambassador’s murder “a great event,” urges action, including in West (
    Al-Qaida’s branch in Yemen praised the killing of the U.S. ambassador in Libya in a Web statement Saturday and called for more attacks to expel American embassies from Muslim nations.
    “What has happened is a great event, and these efforts should come together in one goal, which is to expel the embassies of America from the lands of the Muslims,” the group said. It called on protests to continue in Muslim nations “to set the fires blazing at these embassies.”

About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".
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