Peace Takes You

b4peace-takes-you-cheri-speakPeace takes you to the ends of the world and opens many gates to incredible wonderful worlds.

We may never forget that though we might just be a very minuscule person, a tiny grain of  sand in a dessert, each of us can make a difference. When everybody tries to light a fire of peace and understanding in respect for everything the creation offers to us, we can hand on the seed to grow into a blossoming tree full of colour and bright lights.

Some negativists may think peace can never exist. As long as we are part of this world it is true there shall alwas be some problems. But they do not have to stay big and insurmountable.

Invincibility may be in may peoples mind, and the world may be so complex that peace looks far away. For many peace will always remain an impractical abstraction, a word without true form or definition.

When everybody takes his or her own responsibility, and is willing to live with others in unison, respecting each others freedom, there would be no problem. First we do have to get away with our intention to get all the power in our own hands. The avarice for material possession is working destructively.

We all should become aware of the self and of the fact that peace has to become part of being itself.  Like the quote imparts, “the way is not to peace, peace is the way.”

Peace can be part of our life if we are willing to let it happen and to let it come over us. But this can only come into being when we ourselves are at peace with our self at first. When we are not in the clear with our selves it shall be very difficult to come in the clear with others.

We first have to work at ourselves to become spotless and than we can reach out to others to work together, willing to contribute to each other and those around us, to create a undefiled and better world, where everybody is trying to lead a clean, pure life.

We clearly should show to others that peace has to be the only thing thought of, the only choice, the origin of all thought. It should become so in-breath that it would be almost something  effortless, almost an immune response to all conflict; an actual organic part of the brain that has evolved an appendage to deal with all disputes only with peace.

Believer in God, gods, nature elements or just in nothing extra, belonging to a religion or being atheist does not prevent anybody to become a partaker of a voluntary movement to appraise peace.

No matter what sort of background, each of us can look at himself or herself as being part of One Great Unit, One Big World, where all inhabitants are willing to respect each other without having to judge each other, and to feel that they all are part of one big creation, Mother Earth. Having a preparedness to feel that their blood streams in one same vital organ without we cannot even physically live.
Some may consider it just a fantasy. But I am sure that in case enough people are willing to believe in it and strive for it, this thought shall find fir tile grounds and shall be able to bring forth more shrubs, to bring forth more flowers and again more seeds, to let the peace spread around all over the world, until it becomes reality.

Peace, particularly on a world scale, remains according some an impossible and unobtainable goal. For peace must be so natural, such a part of our being, that they think it is involuntary.
But they forget that the human brain can be so strong and powerful that it can replace moutains.

Those who believe in the return of Christ do know, that we shall have to face a Third World War and than an other 1000 years. But than we shall be able to face an eternal peace. And those living to day, trying to get such a peace have the prospect to perhaps be part of the welcomed ones in the Kingdom of God. We better train for tomorrow. For them the peace in the heart of today may become the peace of tomorrow.

Time4Peace Batch“”Peace I leave with you; My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27 KJ21)

“I have told you these things, so that you will have peace in me. In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 KJV_2011)

“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, for you have been called to peace as one body in Christ; and be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15 KJV_2011)

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Please do find also to read:

  1. Life is like a ten-speed bike.
  2. Try driving forward instead of backwards
  3. We are ourselve responsible
  4. A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses
  5. No man is free who is not master of himself
  6. Only the contrite self, sick of its pretensions, can find salvation
  7. Race, Skin color and differences
  8. Pain and Suffering is inevitable but Misery is optional
  9. Suffering produces perseverance
  10. A great man does not lose his self-possession when he is afflicted
  11. Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
  12. Bad things no punishment from God
  13. A Living Faith #2 State of your faith
  14. A Living Faith #10: Our manner of Life #2
  15. A Living Faith #12 The Love for Jesus
  16. Life is too precious
  17. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #6 Words to feed and communicate
  18. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #4 Transitoriness #3 Rejoicing in the insistence
  19. Fragments from the Book of Job #2: chapters 12-20
  20. Fragments from the Book of Job #3: chapters 21-26
  21. Fragments from the Book of Job #4: chapters 27-31
  22. Fragments from the Book of Job #6: chapters 38-42
  23. Fear and protection
  24. A small trouble is like a pebble
  25. Profitable disasters
  26. Solving all the problems that come to us
  27. Most
  28. Choices
  29. Your life the sum total of all your choices
  30. Choose you this day whom ye will serve
  31. It is a free will choice
  32. For those who make other choices
  33. Satan the evil within
  34. If your difficulties are longstanding, try kneeling
  35. Frank risks taking
  36. Courage is fear that has said its prayers
  37. Power in the life of certain
  38. Developing new energy
  39. Relapse plan
  40. Let God’s promises shine on your problems
  41. Without God no purpose, no goal, no hope
  42. A goal is a dream with a plan
  43. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal
  44. Parts of the body of Christ
  45. With the gift of Jesus comes an awesome responsibility
  46. Breathing and growing with no heir
  47. We have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace
  48. The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands
  49. Feeling-good, search for hapiness and the church
  50. Preaching to an unbelieving world
  51. Training for the kingdom
  52. Teach children the Bible
  53. We should use the Bible every day
  54. If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority
  55. Kingdom of God what would it be like
  • Peace Talks With Taliban While They Murder Foreign Tourists (
    There has been talk lately that the White House wants to hold peace talks with Taliban leaders in hopes of ending the 12 year war the US has been fighting in Afghanistan.  The talks were to be held in Qatar where the Taliban has an official office.

    Most Americans think of the people of Afghanistan or Pakistan as being all one national group of people, but they’re not.  Just like America when the Europeans first reached our shores, there were hundreds of Indian tribes scattered across the country.  Many of those tribes have fought with other tribes for centuries.  It was only their common hatred for the spread of the Europeans into their lands that brought many warring tribes together.

    Many of the ethnic tribes in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq have tenuously joined each other in the fight against the United States, but when left alone to their own devices, they will go right back to warring with each other like they always have.  The very nature of the Taliban is not that of peace, but of fighting, killing and forcing their way on as many people as possible.

  • Peace Can Never Exist (
    once peace can be thought of objectively, alternatives can be considered; once the purposes for these alternatives are understood, any number of circumstances could result in any number of these purposes and thus can be used to justify an alternative (peace is much more than just the absence of war, and although its exact opposite is war, peace has more than 1 alternative, hence the use of the plural and indefinite article).
  • “Peace I leave with you…” (
    Not as the world gives, / short-lived. / Not as the world gives, / ephemeral.
    Not as the world gives, / fleeting & unsure. / A vision floating on the desert horizon,
    cruel and deadly.
  • Tribulation or … (
    You know, the world seems to be experiencing more and more tribulation. Although believers are not “of the world,” they do live “in the world” and will experience tumultuous times. But the good news is that Jesus has already overcome the world for us, and we can experience His awesome peace, even in the face of affliction, don’t you think?
  • what is peace? (
    Do you think peace requires an end to war / Or tigers eating only vegetables? / Does peace require an absence from / your boss, your spouse, yourself?
  • Sometimes you do not need to know. You just need peace. (
    I found that in spite of my searching nothing this side of Heaven would give me what I needed to come to grips with such a useless and senseless killing.  It was then that I realized, and saw one of the truths of this scripture.Simply, that there is a peace that passes understanding.
    We need this type of peace that can bring silence to our questions and make our heart bear the unbearable again.  In the same way, that lift can supersede the law of gravity likewise the peace of God can supersede our need for understanding and give us consolation during difficult times.  It’s a special peace in that it comes from God.  This peace has two key ingredients in that it accomplishes two things.  Two powerful balms we need desperately when we are hurting and asking why.
  • Devotional for June 24th, 2013. (
    So many are looking and envisaging a peace filled week. In their quest they look up to their spouses, their bosses, their colleagues and so on. They expect all these persons and more to bring them untold peace. This they most times never get as those they look up to do not even have the peace themselves.
  • Where Can I Find Peace? (
    Sometimes people think that they will be at peace when they are debt-free, or when they get their dream job, or when they meet the perfect partner, or when they obtain their dream home, or when they have children, or when their business becomes more successful, or when they obtain a degree, or when they are cured of an incurable disease, or when they lose weight, or when they get this, or when they get that.However, the time to be at peace is not when you get all the things you have desired from this life.  People tend to pin their peace on external things, but there’s no guarantee that you will get to achieve all that you have set out to achieve in your life-time. Therefore, to find inner peace, you have to search deep within, as peace is intrinsically designed.
  • Ambition for peace (
    how about all these economic recovery plans be converted to peace recovery plans our peace is the greatest recovery plan the world can ever see
  • The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (
    Last night Nik Wallenda walked over the Grand Canyon on a wire; it was intense! While watching the live event, I quickly realized that Nik is a Christian. I really appreciated the fact that he gave the glory to God for this record that he set. Once Nik was done crossing the Grand Canyon and started the interview, he said something that really stood out to me,
    “The peace of God, which transcends all understanding.”
  • Monthly Peace Challenge: Peace at Home (
  • The Peace of God… (
  • B4 Peace May Edition: Peaceful Art (
  • B4Peace June – Peace at Home with the Buddha (
  • Peace Center for the Blind (
  • B4Peace: Art thou peaceful? (
  • The Peace of God… (
  • Being Peace in Relationship (
  • Animal School – B4Peace (
  • Peace, War, and Civilization part 2 (

About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".
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15 Responses to Peace Takes You

  1. Thanks for this wonderful post regarding “Peace.” As you have stated, “Peace can be a part of our lives, if we are willing to let it happen.” This is a great statement, because as human, we sometimes allow others to pull us out of our peace. We have to take total control.


  2. Kozo Hattori says:

    So much wisdom here, Marcus. Yes, “peace is the way.” I love the quotes at the bottom. They remind me that peace has been a primary goal for so long. {{{hugs]}} Kozo


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