Race to the bottom of refugee rights in European Union #1 Danish an Swedish view

Last Thursday at the public hearing on the European Pillar of Social Rights I had to believe my ears when I heard the Danish speaker MS Christiane Misslbeck-Winberg, director European and International Affairs, confederation of Danish employers, and Swedish speaker Andres Edholm of the confederation of the Swedish enterprise, they being very proud of the Nordic high standards even wishing other states to reach the same stage. But at what cost?!?

Clearly they presented a role model that should deter us as civilized beings. for them it should not be by low making but by collective agreement that workers and employers should come to make directive made to measure and where we should come to a flexible system in economic situations where immigrants should only be allowed in the country to be used as cheap labour, receiving less pay than the minimum wage so that employers can use cheap labour to have a higher production rate at lesser cost and with a possibility to increase not only production but also financial profit.

Since two à three years we can not ignore to think that Denmark looks like the playground of the extreme right. Denmark could have been seen as one of the cornerstones of refugee protection in the last half century: once recognized as a refugee, you were considered an equal citizen and integration was aimed at becoming part of society. What we see now is that the Scandinavian country unilaterally changes the paradigm: integration activities are aimed at returning recognized refugees. The laws entered into force from March.

Is this the picture that we will see gradually appear in Europe, when radical right-wing anti-immigration parties gain electoral weight after the European elections of 26 May 2019?

The Danish and Swedish speaker did everything to convince us that Europe would best use those immigrants as cheap labour to boost economical production and profit, not having to worry about the implication to their own people and able to send those used people back to their country when not needed any more.

For some Scandinavian politicians it is most important to take care of our own people first and is the new law a blessing for our union. After negotiations on the budget law for 2019, the government and the Dansk Folkeparti (DF) or Danish People’s Party (DPP) have just reached a “historic agreement” on a paradigm quack in the treatment of refugees. In 2014 the party managed to win the European Parliament election in Denmark by a wide margin, securing 27% of the vote. After the election, it joined the European Conservatives and Reformists group alongside parties such as the United Kingdom’s Conservative Party and Poland’s Law and Justice. The DPP received 21% of the vote in the 2015 general election, becoming the second largest party in Denmark for the first time amid a plurality for the centre-right parties.

The Danish people may be pleased (according to those politicians) that residence permits for refugees must in future only be issued for temporary residence in Denmark and in the future, residence permits for refugees must always be included when possible within Denmark’s international obligations. From now on weighting of children’s independent attachment to Denmark shall be reduced in withdrawal cases and there shall be an adjustment of the purpose clause in the Integration Act with aims of self-support and an expectation of temporary stay and return journey. From now onwards there shall be a cancellation of legal claims for permanent housing for refugees;  a reduction of self-sufficiency and repatriation allowance and transition benefit for dependents and an expanded and strengthened repatriation system.

Martin Henriksen (DF).jpg

Martin Henriksen, who sits on the local council for Nørrebro. In Parliament, he is the DF representative on various committees concerning Immigration and Integration Policy, Education, Defence, Greenland and the Faeroe Islands and since 2012, has also been the DF’s representative in the Council of Europe

While about 8,151 family reunification permits were granted in 2002, the number had fallen to 3,525 by 2005 and for sure shall fall even further because now man refugees are used as slaves even working for not receiving one Euro.
The government parties offer tolerance support from the opposition. In this way, they can always refuse their support during budget discussions if their refinement of refugee policy is not introduced. And according Martin Henriksen, architect of this earthquake and member of parliament for the Danish People’s Party, they have only just begun. He says

We have tried the nice guy way for forty years. That is over.’

The liberal minister Inger Støjberg is not inferior to Henriksen. The counter on the website of the ministry will soon be 100. In March 2017 she celebrated the fiftieth tightening with a cake.

 “In Sweden, politicians apologize for this tightening, they are beating here,”

says Christian Friis-Bach, director of Dansk Flygtningehjælp (Danish refugee aid), the renowned Danish Refugee Council.

“Denmark takes the lead in the European race to the bottom of refugee rights.”

The race to the bottom is underway throughout the EU, but in Denmark it can continue to slope endlessly because all major parties, liberals and social democrats in front, go along with populist right.



Race to the bottom of refugee rights in European Union #2 Branded as a ghetto

About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".
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