I am passionate about the Works of God

What are you passionate about?

Not many in this world like to hear about God, or want to go into discussion with a passionate lover of God.

My professional live was filled with my first love, dance. But that would not have been possible without the Hand of God. Though there were two serious accidents and some annoying diseases which made my life difficult, I nearly never lost my trust in the Divine Creator.

As a dancer and choreographer, I was able to live in a world where there was a lot of interest in the spiritual. Lots of talks could fill our days thinking and speaking about Jehovah God and about spirituality.

Already the last decade before my retirement my work for God had increased a lot, being responsible for the Christadelphian ecclesia Brussel-Leuven, and the different language sites of the Belgian Brothers in Christ.

Taken by the Fire, from the moment I got retired, I nearly could passionately put all my effort into the preaching work. At the moment I still work at the airport as a security officer, because my income from the different retirement provisions (a.o. Belgium, Great Britain and Germany) are not sufficient since by the 2008 bank-crisis I lost all my retirement savings. Those who defrauded me and misappropriated my savings did manage to avoid court sentences, and the benefits the lawsuits brought were only crumbs, insufficient to ease the pain.

Money is not everything, of course, but since we still need it to survive, so now, of necessity, I still have to make sure some more money comes in later in life so that I can have some money for preaching work in addition to the household.

Even though I may have faced several setbacks in my life, they have not chilled my passion for God. One could almost say, on the contrary, because in the end I have emerged strengthened from my many not-so-good experiences, where I can now make use of them to help others further.

Scriptures gives enough indication how we should be fervent and as an individual person have to have or show strong feelings about the matters of God, and should be very sincere and enthusiastic about it. Like the first followers of Christ, I too want to have such a “passionate” feeling. Being fervent is also a critical component of apologetics.

As Christians, we do not have any excuse to say someone else will do the job or someone else shall be responsible for our and the faith of others. Each of us is himself or herself responsible and as follower of Christ should take up the task Jesus has given his followers.

It is part of my passion for God to try to succeed to bring people to His beloved son and to show them the way to the small gate of God’s Kingdom. Coming closer to the end times it shall become more and more important that people come to know The Truth. Though many people’s passion is for the mundane and perishable things of life that have no eternal value, I do hope I’ll be able to shed some light on the hope which keeps me alive and which is the marvellous prospect we all may have if we chose the right way.

Let us also not forget:

within our passions, lies some of life’s greatest blessings.


You might find some impressions

  1. Children of God – mentioned in Scripture
  2. Church indeed critical in faith development
  3. Actions to be a reflection of openness of heart
  4. Spend time creating new blogs
  5. February 2015 got new little lights shining on internet
  6. Taking as many opportunities as possible to proclaim the Good News
  7. Christadelphians or Messianic Christians or Messianic Jews
  8. Built upon a Rock – Distinctive beliefs and practices of the Christadelphians
  9. Ability (part 4) Thought about the ability to have ability
  10. Ability (part 7) Thought about the ability to grow as a member of the Body of Christ
  11. Need to inspire others
  12. Learn how to go out into the world and proclaim the Good News of the coming Kingdom
  13. Good time to sort out your friends and contacts
  14. From house to house #2: Continuing to bring the good news right to the world


Additional reading

  1. Worthy partakers of the body of Christ
  2. Back to back or Face to face
  3. Abound To Every Good Work (2 Cor. 9:8)
  4. Beautiful feet of those who announce the good news
  5. A Society pleading poverty
  6. Signs when difficult times will come




  1. What am i Passionate about?
  2. Am I without Hope?
  3. Passionate…
  4. I’m not sure what I am passionate about.
  5. What I’m Passionate About
  6. Theories or far-fetched guesses?
  7. My Passions
  8. Passion – I would have to say love and the truth.
  9. I am Passionate…about my Father Yahweh, Yeshua and The Holy Spirit.
  10. Positioning for Passion
  11. God’s Heart
  12. Passion for God
  13. My Passion for Religion, Art, Crypto, and AI
  14. Our Spiritual Identity
  15. Unveiling My Passion as a Muslim: Embracing Quranic Teachings
  16. “Empowering Success: My Passion for Motivating Others”
  17. What are you passionate about?: Scripture
  18. It’s Natural !!!
  19. Family, Sports and the Great Outdoors
  20. What are you passionate about?: Dying and death feed something in me
  21. Passion 💙
  22. Top Interests in My Life
  23. “Passionate About”
  24. My passion #theworldisonfire
  25. Passion is both dying and living
  26. My passions have changed. I’m 51 now.
  27. Now Trying to Figure It Out
  28. What are you passionate about?
  29. I love to read
  30. What do you do?
  31. Doing all the things
  32. You have a call
  33. Serve: do the work!
  34. Lover of Daddy God
  35. I Am A Lover of God – Week of Feb. 11
  36. You are Invited
  37. Acts 23:1 Did You Fulfill Your Duty?
  38. Mark 16:20 Go And Do It
  39. Work For God
  40. 1 Chronicles 9:22 The ‘Little’ Important Jobs
  41. All Or Nothing!
  42. My heart…
  43. Panting
  44. Lukewarm isn’t good . . .
  45. Now is the Time to Push for Passion About God. But is it Time to Be Pushy? (Thinking Through Ezra and Ruth)
  46. Are We Brokenhearted for God?
  47. Learn to be Fervent
  48. Heart’s Desires

About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".
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7 Responses to I am passionate about the Works of God

  1. Pingback: Women’s passion – Worldviewer

  2. rossmeister says:

    I understand exactly what you are saying about the 2008 fiasco creating financial hardships for retirees! The COVID fraud has been the next failure in retiree income and I pray that the fraud will end and we can get back to normal lives where we don’t have to plan on losing 30% of our retirement savings every time that our governments support those who failed us for their own gain. The Only positive in all of this is that if our world doesn’t change for the better soon, Jesus will be back to save those who deserve saving. The biggest problem with that is there will be fewer people that can be saved when Jesus comes back. If we want to save the most souls, we need to fix this!


  3. Pingback: An important place for spirituality in my life | Marcus Ampe's Space

  4. Pingback: The importance of spirituality in my life – Worldviewer

  5. Pingback: Life is the Spiritual | From guestwriters

  6. Pingback: What keeps me going on | Marcus Ampe's Space

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