Droevig vooruitzicht voor jonge kinderen

Tegenwoordig vindt men meerdere mensen die met twee moeten gaan werken om de eindjes aan elkaar te knopen. Ze vertrekken ‘s morgens vroeg als het nog donker is en  komen ‘s avonds pas terug thuis als de zon al lang onder is gegaan. Veel zien ze niet van hun kinderen.

Het huis waar zij dan in het donker toekomen moet verlicht en verwarmd worden. De nodige energie moeten zij bij één of andere maatschappij aankopen , plus daarbij de distributeur betalen, die hen ook nog eens de verliezen van de groen certificaten wil aanreken. Het is geweldig dat er meer alternatieven worden gezocht om de nodige energie te voorzien en toch het milieu te besparen, maar dit moet niet onnodig ten koste gaan van diegenen die zich geen ecologische systemen kunnen aanschaffen of ze niet kunnen plaatsen omdat het huis niet van hen is. Al de bewoners die in een sociale woning hun intrek kunnen nemen moeten in veel gevallen nog opkijken naar minder goed geïsoleerde huizen, maar hebben het recht niet om zelf grote energie besparende werken uit te voeren. Voor de kleine energiebesparende verrichtingen, zoals de nodige isolatie kunnen zij dan niet zoals andere burgers een subsidie krijgen. Zij vallen steeds uit de boot voor zulke bijkomende maatregelen van de regering voor de verbetering van de ecologische voetafdruk.

Het vergiftigd geschenk dat de Belgische regering aan haar burgers heeft aangeboden door de Groenestroom certificaten heeft ook in Groot-Brittannië zijn evenknie.

Boekhouders PwC hebben een somber beeld in de kranten van gisteren geschetst. zij stellen dat de “baby busters” (tegenovergesteld aan de “baby boomers”)  25% slechter af kunnen zijn dan hun ouders wegens hogere huisprijzen en lagere pensioenen.

PwC vergeleek de carrièrevooruitzichten van twee overheidsdokters (NHS dokters) waarvan de een geboren in 1963 en de andere in 1993, beide trouwden en twee kinderen kregen. Zij wezen er ook op dat de verschillen groter kunnen zijn voor die met minder waardevolle banen dan dokters, zegt PwC, die slechts onderstreept hoe onstabiel enige van deze ramingen kunnen zijn.

In Groot-Brittannië zal volgens een, dinsdag in Londen gepubliceerd, rapport van de Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) , in 2020 één kind op vier in armoede leven. Het gemiddelde inkomen van de gezinnen daalt in de periode van 2009 tot 2012 met zeven procent. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van het .

Ook het Verenigd Koninkrijk heeft te kampen met de rijzende voedselprijzen. In België zijn veel firma’s overgegaan op het verkleinen van de verpakkingen zonder dat de consument er al te veel van merkte en dikwijls met grote slogans als “Nieuw”. Groot probleem is dat het ook met echt dagelijks noodzakelijke voedingsmiddelen gebeurde, waarbij de consument dikwijls niet meer stil staat bij de prijs per kilo, omdat hij het toch nodig heeft.

Zoals hier de prijzen gestegen zijn lopen ze ook in het Verenigd Koninkrijk op  met 4,5 procent in de periode 2009 tot 2012. Alleen al daardoor worden volgens de berekeningen van IFS 600.000 kinderen en 800.000 volwassenen in arbeidsongeschikte leeftijd in de armoede gedrukt. De armoedegrens is per definitie bereikt als het gezinsinkomen onder 60 procent van de gemiddelde waarde valt.

Een door de conservatief-liberale regeringscoalitie op gang gebracht pakket voor de hervorming van het sociaal systeem onder de naam “Universal Credit” kan het probleem verlichten, beoordeelden de experten. 450.000 kinderen en 600.000 volwassenen vinden daardoor een uitweg uit de relatieve armoede. In elk geval wordt dat positief effect door een hele resem nieuwe regeringsbeslissingen bij belastingen en sociale uitkeringen meer dan teniet gedaan.

Groot-Brittannië zou daarmee zijn zelfopgelegde doelstellingen tegen kinderarmoede serieus rateren. Het parlement had in 2010 met partij overstijgende toestemming besloten dat tegen 2020 niet meer dan tien procent van alle kinderen in relatieve armoede zou mogen leven.

Daily Mail's dubious claim about NHS dentistry

Voor de helft van het land geen NHS tandartsen - Daily Mail's dubious claim about NHS dentistry - Image by engineroomblog via Flickr

The Daily Mail’skijk op het IFS raport laat te verstaan dat het eigenlijk nog slechter is gesteld met de kinderen dan dat de officiële instanties willen doen geloven. Ook hier in België merkt men dat sommige instanties bepaalde situaties niet onder ogen willen zien of verzwijgen. Voor de Daily Mail is er het vooruitzicht dat “de gemiddelde familie” – een belangrijk deel van haar Middenklasse in Groot-Brittannië volgens haar oproep te kennen gaf dat zij £2,000 per jaar slechter af zouden zijn tegen 2013. Dat zou een inkomen geven van £28,000 op een jaar in plaats van £30,000 voor het “typische paar” met twee kinderen, zegt de populaire volkskrant.  Wat mij toch nog een hoog inkomen lijkt. Meerdere gezinnen moeten het met veel minder zien te klaren.

Het zijn natuurlijk niet enkel de absolute kosten die zes keer sneller omhoog zijn gegaan  dan het gezinsinkomens sinds 2004 – 117%, maar de relatieve kosten vergeleken met geblokkeerd loon en voordelen.
Tegelijkertijd vindt men in Engeland de energiesecretaris, Chris Huhne die hard zijn best doet om een groener elektriciteitsaanbodsysteem te creëren dat dan wel een prijskaartje zal dragen van £200bn extra investering.

Lees hier meer over in: Bleak forecasts for children in the UK

Bekijk video: Report: UK Living Standards Will Plummet (Sky)

We are particularly concerned that the proposed cap on benefits will cut support to more than 200,000 children and potentially make 82,000 children homeless.

Bob Reitemeier, chief executive of the Children’s Society

Alison Garnham, chief executive of the Child Poverty Action Group, said: “The Government must accept that you cannot fight poverty or improve life chances by making the poor poorer.”

However, the report does say the Universal Credit – the Government’s flagship welfare reform – will lift around 450,000 children and 600,000 working age adults out of relative poverty by 2020/21.

+ reactions: … interested how the figures were made up – not suprisingly the highest ethnic group in the poverty trap will be the ones who have the most children.



  • UK families will lose £2,000 by 2013 says IFS (moneyexpert.com)
    Families will see the largest ‘three year fall’ in their income for 35 years, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).This will effectively wipe £2,000 off the annual average family income. The report by the IFS found that the average income is expected to fall by 7% for 2012-2013, compared to 2009-2010.This is the largest fall in income for UK families since the mid 1970s and it could take until 2015 before households recover to pre-rescission levels.
  • Brit Kids ‘Face Soaring Poverty Over Reforms’ (news.sky.com) inclsief enkele video”s
    The “squeezed middle” will also be hit by the biggest drop in average incomes since the 1970s, according to a bleak report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).Typical families will see their annual income drop by around £2,000 by 2013, it said.The IFS blames the tough economic situation and – more controversially – the Government’s welfare policies.

    Measures such as pegging benefits to the lower rate of inflation means payments will rise at a slower rate.

  • Falling incomes poverty warning (bbc.co.uk)
    The prospects remain uncertain for the poorest in 2015 – with the IFS predicting that the number of working-age adults in absolute poverty will remain at 2.5 million for parents and will rise to 4.1 million for working-age adults without children.

    Continue reading the main story“This would be the largest three-year fall in median income since 1974-77”Robert Joyce IFS report co-author

    By 2020, the IFS is projecting there will be 4.7 million working-age adults without children in absolute poverty, up by 1.6 million compared with 2009.

    Sally Copley of Save the Children explains how child poverty is defined

  • UK seeing ‘big rise in poverty’ (bbc.co.uk)
  • Poverty deepens: real remedies please, not gestures | Michael White (guardian.co.uk)
    According to an eFinanceCareers website survey reported in today’s FT, the pompous idiots believe they deserve the money, too.Both developments are aspects of an unhealthy casino mentality which, like footballers’ wages (rugby players’ too this week) are usually only tenuously related to effort or achievement, and certainly not to socially acceptable behaviour. Yes, Wayne Rooney and Manu Tuilagi, we’re talking about you as well as everyone’s favourite whipping boy, Fred “the shred” Goodwin.In fact, the deepening poverty of society’s poorest – the result of frozen wages and benefit cuts – which makes mockery of Labour’s 2010 Child Poverty Act, for which pre-election coalition MPs piously voted, is only a small part of the wider story.

    When the coalition announced that, in future, it would uprate benefits according to the CPI version of inflation instead of the traditional RPI measure (which includes housing costs), it clobbered pensioners as well as the unemployed and poor.

    We need not worry quite so much about pensioners as about children – kids are the future. Besides, Gordon Brown’s drive to curb the worst aspects of UK poverty was more successful in tackling acute pensioner poverty through the minimum income guarantee than were his efforts, much maligned then and derided since, to halve child poverty by 2010.

  • U.K. -Disabled child poverty ‘staggering’ (thehandiestone.typepad.com)
    The Children’s Society said the statistics had been calculated by removing the Disability Living Allowancepaid to families to reflect the additional costs of bringing up disabled children.Once this allowance was taken into account, child poverty rates among disabled children increased from 36% to 40% – 10% above the rate for all children – and the equivalent of four in every 10 of disabled children, it said.The charity said it was urging the Government to “rethink” welfare reforms, which it said would mean more than 100,000 disabled children losing up to £27 a week following the introduction of the new Universal Credit.
  • Letters: Alarming child poverty forecast must lead to government action (guardian.co.uk)
    As members of the Campaign to End Child Poverty we are alarmed to see new projections confirming what we all feared: that child poverty rates are on the increase and 800,000 more children will be in poverty by 2020 (Report, 11 October). The Institute for Fiscal Studies analysis shows that, although universal credit will help reduce numbers in poverty, it cannot reverse the impact of massive cuts to welfarebenefits, rising inflation, stagnating wages and higher unemployment. In fact the share of national income of our poorest households is set to shrink.In a rich country that already has shamefully high child poverty levels, this news is devastating. If allowed to happen, it will reverse the progress made over the past decade and set us back to the rapidly rising child poverty rates of the 1980s and 1990s. Generations suffered lasting damage as a result. We call on the government to recognise the urgency of the situation and take immediate steps to reduce child poverty if it is going to stand any chance of honouring the commitments on child poverty made in the coalition agreement.
    Alison Garnham Child Poverty Action Group Helen Dent Family Action Justin Forsyth Save the Children, Fiona Weir Gingerbread, Anne Marie Carrie Barnardo’s Christine Blower NUT Anne Longfield 4Children Faiza Chaudary National Council for Voluntary Youth Services, Anand Shukla Daycare Trust Anita Tiessen Unicef, Brendan Barber TUC
  • 400,000 children will fall into relative poverty by 2015, warns IFS (guardian.co.uk)
    A child is considered to be in relative poverty if he or she lives in a household whose income is below 60% of the average in that year, and in absolute poverty if he or she lives in a household whose real-terms income is below 60% of the 2010/11 average – a period set as a benchmark in this year’s Child Poverty Act.The IFS said that while the introduction of the coalition’s universal credit scheme will “act to reduce both absolute and relative poverty” the effect will be swamped by the “large decline in real incomes across the income distribution” and the new slower system of uprating means-tested benefits.
  • Child poverty is accelerating – don’t buy the Tory line | Tom Clark (guardian.co.uk)
    Boy playing football in Glasgow street … seeing as the briefest reflection reveals that both relative and absolute poverty matter. Malnutrition is a serious business regardless of the social context, but – as Adam Smith always recognised – having enough money to fit into the community is also important. The sole glimmer of good news in an otherwise dankly depressing Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) report is that it brings this old argument to a close. So hard are the hard times that there is no longer any need to choose between competing measures of penury – you can choose whatever metric you like, and the poor will still be getting poorer.
  • Four-in-10 disabled young ‘poor’ (bbc.co.uk)
    The government says the most severely disabled children will receive more money under the changes.Its Welfare Reform Bill is nearing its final stage in parliament before it becomes law.From 2013, it will bring in a single monthly payment – known as a Universal Credit – which will replace a range of benefits.

    The Children’s Society says a new study it has carried out shows 320,000 disabled children in the UK live in poverty.

    That is defined as being in a family where the income is less than 60% of the national average.

    Continue reading the main story“This cut in support can only lead to more disabled children being pushed into poverty and we are urging the government to review it”Bob Reitemeier, Chief executive, Children’s Society

    The charity says nearly a third of the 320,000 live in “severe poverty” – where the income is less than 40% of the average.

  • Disabled child poverty ‘staggering’ (mirror.co.uk)
    The Government is facing increased pressure to “rethink” planned welfare reforms after a leading children’s charity published new figures claiming four in 10 disabled children are living in poverty.
  • What is a family friendly government? (thefword.org.uk)
    … the only thing stopping the introduction of tax breaks for married couples is the presence of the Liberal Democrats in the coalition government. It is telling that when Conservative Home talks about Britain having the most ‘anti-family’ tax system in Europe it bases this on a definition of family as “a one earner married couple with two children”. More recently the Prime Minister has been telling us how we should wait to have children until we’re all middle class.
  • Childcare In The UK ‘Most Expensive In World’ (news.sky.com)
    Britain’s poorest families are turning down jobs or considering leaving work because they cannot afford childcare, according to a survey.L-Family-at-home---rushesCharities claim rocketing childcare costs are forcing low income families out of workAbout 4,000 parents responded to research by charities Save the Children and Daycare Trust.

    The study found parents in the UK spend almost a third of their income on childcare, more than anywhere else in the world.

    Just over 4o% of families said the cost of childcare is on a par with mortgage or rent payments.

  • UK riots: causes and effects (slouchingtowardsthatcham.com)
    The relative poverty of many of those involved has been offered up as both a cause and an excuse for the looters and rioters. Perhaps the most idiotic of all were the two drunken girls in Croydonwho boasted to a BBC reporter that they were showing police and “the rich people that have got businesses” that “we can do what we want”. (Seriously, see how true that is if you end up with a criminal record. And do you really think the bloke with the corner shop who works 90 hours a week is ‘rich’?)Real poverty is horrible. And it can certainly explain many – but by no means all – of the root causes of criminal behaviour. But does it excuse it? Of course not. And the reality is that there will always be poverty. I don’t disagree that the trend towards the super-rich becoming ever more wealthy and powerful can have a destructive effect on society. But I also don’t think that is an excuse to set buildings on fire, relieve shops of their contents and set out with the intention of injuring the police.
  • Anarchy on the streets? What can be learned from the August riots? (spiritofpn.wordpress.com)
    David Hopkins, SNU minister and co-author of The Philosophy of Spiritualism and The Religion of Spiritualism, takes an in-depth look at those events from a Spiritualist perspective and asks the all-important question – what can be learned from them?

About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".
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