Under-reporting the total number of coronavirus cases

In the previous years we could already see that when there was an outbreak of a serious illness at first countries did not want to get the matter to become public.

As such, we saw that in 2003 the reporting of the total number of SARS cases was much under the real numbers. This time it can well be that China, which at first silenced her scientist who sounded the alarm already last year, is still covering up the full extent of the coronavirus pandemic.

A scientific study out of the University of Southampton in the UK  found that had China acted sooner to combat their coronavirus, then the further spread could have been almost entirely avoided, and it would not have become a global pandemic.

It has become clear that the first cases of the Chinese virus were reported in mid-late November and early December, with scientists even estimating that the first jump of the virus from animals to humans probably occurred in October in the city of Wuhan. They also claimed at first that there was “no evidence” of human-to-human transmission. Whistleblowers were brutally silenced and the government continued for months to lie to the rest of the world and facilitated a geographic spread that would have been reduced by 95% if they’d been honest.

Instead of acting immediately, the Chinese government waited until January 23rd before issuing quarantine orders to the 11 million people living in Wuhan.

According to scientific advisors to the British government matters could be 40 times worse there than the communist state admits.

The British government also

“believes China is seeking to build its economic power during the pandemic with ‘predatory offers of help’ [to] countries around the world.’”

We do not know if China has really good intentions and is aware of what the quality really is of the goods they are sending to Europe.

The Free Beacon reported this week.

“In Spain, which currently has the fourth-highest number of coronavirus cases in the world, the government purchased 640,000 rapid test kits from China and South Korea as it fights the pandemic,”

“Experts soon discovered, however, that the tests it purchased from Chinese company Bioeasy were only correctly identifying coronavirus cases 30 percent of the time, according to Spain’s El Pais.”

The Czech Republic also purchased 150,000 rapid test kits from China, and have likewise found problems.” the report continues, adding that

 “One doctor using the tests found that 80 percent of the kits were faulty and has reverted back to the conventional lab tests, which are significantly slower to process.”

Other countries such as Turkey and Georgia, as well as Holland have reported problems with the tests and the masks. Here in Belgium, the safety security checks found more than 360 000 useless masks, which in case they would have been used in hospitals would have endangered the medical staff.

Today, on March 30, 2020, there are following registered cases:


with 11,899 infected & 513 deaths registered in Belgian health files
Germany 63,079 with only 545 death
Italy 97,689 with 10,779 deaths
Netherlands 11,750
Spain 85,195 with 7,340 fatalities
UK 19,522 with 1,228 deaths
USA 142,793 which is at the moment not much for such a huge area but the death toll of 2,490 people can soon rise very much

In the world today there are registered 35,016 deaths
Recovered patients which could leave the hospital: 156,402

We should not forget that in those numbers the many infected people and those in isolation at home are not counted. Therefore we should remember that it could be much worse than the daily ciphers tell us.



In denial, Donald Trump continues to insist that nothing serious is at hand and everything is in control

President Trump shall have to recognise that Immigrant Workers Are Vital to the U.S.A.

Making deeper cuts than some terrorist attacks of the near past

The unseen enemy

India affected by Corona


Additional reading

  1. CoViD-19 warnings
  2. Using fears of the deadly coronavirus
  3. Europe in Chaos for a Pandemic
  4. Anxiety Management During Pandemic Days~
  5. Hope on the Horizon: Pandemic Anxiety Management II~
  6. Pandemic Anxiety Busters~
  7. Mel Brooks saying “go home” to Max Brooks
  8. Christian Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic
  9. Love in the Time of Corona
  10. Recrafting our World

About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".
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13 Responses to Under-reporting the total number of coronavirus cases

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