Brexit No. 2 Blow-up

In the United States of America some people could go to sleep in shock over what they just had witnessed. In Europe we awakened in unbelief or some in what they thought was a nightmare.

In Europe many mouths fell wide open hearing that the person who traffics in misogyny, racism, intimidation and bullying got chosen by the majority of one of the most important states of the world. Europe got really punched hard into the face.

Generally the world should see in what happened a serious signal of which they better take account. The same as with what happened in Great Britain, most people thought it not possible to come Donald Trump so far nor having the British public voting with the majority for a Brexit nor seeing the majority of Americans voting for Donald Trump as president. Those election results of both cases say more about what is going on in the country. Plus for the States

it says more of the sentiments of the people who cast their votes than it does about the vile man they have elected.

Many, the night before the Brexit referendum, went to bed having told their children that Brexit never would happen. When they woke up they saw an unexpected face of their divided country. They had to discover that the racist, anti-immigration, protest vote had won and Britain had chosen to leave the European Union.

Last night, probably many kissed their kids goodnight, saying them we were going to have an historic day, and could greet the first woman president in the US’s history.

Women have lost, and not with a few votes. The one guy who finds it normal that men may touch or grab a woman wherever and whenever they want has gone over the line brilliantly. Though when appearing on the platform he seemed surprised in a way, and talked surprisingly much calmer than he had ever done.

Donald Trump becomes 45th president of the United States after shocking win

Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States (Picture: AP/John Locher)


Previously the media tiger and mister soap himself had done everything to ‘kill’ his opponents and to spread hate and division. Now he called to come together as one united nation. He even made a promise to work to

“bind the wounds of division”

and bring Americans together as the next president of the United States as he claimed victory in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.

“I say it is time for us to come together as one united people,”

Trump said. Concerning his pledge to every citizen of his land that he will be president

“for all Americans and this is so important to me.”

we can wonder if he considers Afro-Americans, Hispanic and/or Latino Americans, Cuban-Americans, Iraqi-Americans (including Arabs, Assyrians, Kurds, Armenians, Jews, Mandeans, Muslims, Christians, and Yazidis), Iranian-Americans or Persian-Americans (some of them belonging to the highest educated people in the United States), plus the other Jews and Muslims also part of “the Americans“. How shall he going to treat those Black Americans (or Negroes he called “monkeys”),  the third largest racial and ethnic group in the United States (after White Americans and Hispanic and Latino Americans) and what will be his plans to unite those families which had put their hope in becoming united, but may see them now thrown out of the beloved States where they lived and worked for so many years and raised their kids making them to believe they were part of a great nation.

For people in the West, Trump had a positive message. He sought to reassure Europeans and other nations that he would try to work together with those nations which were willing to co-operate with him, though

“While we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone — with everyone. We will seek common ground, not hostility,”

he said.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump arrives on stage with his family to sppeak to supporters during election night at the New York Hilton Midtown in New York on November 9, 2016. Trump won the US presidency. / AFP PHOTO / Timothy A. CLARYTIMOTHY A. CLARY/AFP/Getty Images

Donald Trump on stage with his family to speak to supporters during election night at the New York Hilton Midtown in New York on November 9, 2016. Trump won the US presidency.

When he was running as a candidate he had no good word for Hillary Clinton but now he congratulated her and reminded all present that she is a “tuff girl” and congratulated her for her

“very, very hard-fought campaign.”

He even went so far to say Americans

“owe her a major debt of gratitude”

for her decades of public service.

The champion of the night said Clinton called him to concede the race and to congratulate Trump on his victory.

Also for the other people he threw acetic acid in the face he was giving out his hand. But still he wanted all to belief not many where against him, he said

“To those who have chosen not to support me in the past — of which there were a few people — I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.”

The candidate who snapped his fingers at any decent law or moral attitude and slanted or stretched the truth, poured scorn, belittling his political rivals, he now gave time to shower some with flowers, like his staff and advisers, also giving thanks to Gov. Chris Christie, Sen. Jeff Sessions, Mike Huckabee and special praise to Reince Priebus asking his superstar, the Republican National Committee chairman to join him at the podium and to mention Ben Carson. He also expressed that it was time now to step over the political rivalry to focus on the unification again of the country, for which he will provide money to rebuild it, giving it again good infrastructure like new roads.

We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We’re going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none, and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. We will also finally take care of our great veterans who have been so loyal, and I’ve gotten to know so many over this 18-month journey.

In his plan there is also place for them who did not support him.

“To those who have chosen not to support me in the past — of which there were a few people — I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country,”

he said.

the world has to know

America will no longer settle for anything less than the best. We must reclaim our country’s destiny and dream big and bold and daring. We have to do that. We’re going to dream of things for our country, and beautiful things and successful things once again.

Having been awakened with this vision of the 45th president of the United States the whole  world should seriously investigate how the Brexit could happen and how this man got elected.

Clearly it shows how people are fed up with certain politics and how they yearn for change, having a disgust of the establishment that does not have enough ears to the population. In Great Britain and in the United states the blue coloured worker is too long ignored. The middle class is also squeezed out like a lemon and has enough of those in power who try to  limit the power of the ‘ordinary folks’ but do everything to make their pockets filled with enough money and power.

The people have spoken and defeated all the polls showing their dissatisfaction with the political system. all over the world countries and politicians in particular should learn their lesson from what happened now in the United states of America and from what happened in Great Britain.
If they do not soon learn their lesson and change for the good, they will have to face even bigger disasters in their country.


What went on before:

Coming closer to the end of 2015 and the end for Donald Trump as presidential candidate

Walls,colours, multiculturalism, money to flow, Carson, Trump and consorts

Are United States of America citizens going to show their senses

When so desperate to hold onto power

Some quotes Americans should remember when going to the ballot office


Additional reading

  1. Jews the next scapegoat for Donald Trump
  2. The American clouds of Anti-Semitism
  3. Blinded crying blue murder having being made afraid by a bugaboo
  4. Trump brand of migrant demonization #1
  5. Children of Men


Further reading

  1. Cartoon of the day
  2. Wait, and see.
  3. don’t be manipulated by fear-mongering (Jesus trumps Trump)
  4. Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S.
  5. Trump: “‘Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.’ These are foolish people.”
  6. The Donald Trumps the Constitution
  7. U.S. Presidential Election 2016: Voter turnout drops to near 50 per cent
  8. This is where the story ends
  9. I thought explaining Brexit to my kids was bad. Explaining Trump is worse (Be careful on this article you may find an upsetting capturing picture)
  10. Trumped: We have a responsibility to explain Trump to our kids without sounding like Trump
  11. The US Electorate Trumps Their Political Establishment
  12. The world today 
  13. Hope not hate
  14. Stop Being so Negative about Donald Trump Becoming the President
  15. Joe Tomlinson, Jake Rylatt and Duncan Fairgrieve: And Then There Were Eleven: Some
  16. Context on the Supreme Court Sitting En Banc in the Article 50 Case
  17. Closed Trump Trades – Frustrating minor Loss
  18. The “Deplorables” Have Spoken
  19. “I’m just upset”
  20. Simon’s Blog Unknown Unknowns….
  21. Another blog about hate winning
  22. A Rude Awakening.
  23. When all bets are off
  24. Brexit/trump a wakeup Call.
  25. What content marketing can learn from Brexit and the US election
  26. About The Stock Markets
  27. Jammed: US Treasury 10Y-2Y Yield Curve Slope Jumps To 111 After Election
  28. Electoral Fears
  29. Welcome to the minority
  30. #Brexit: “passporting”, “3rd-country equivalence”, and related issues
  31. Crossing the line between arts and politics – Christine E Walters
  32. The day one wall came down, another went up
  33. Electile Dysfunction
  34. Jeremy Corbyn says Donald Trump win is ‘unmistakable rejection of establishment’ as Theresa May congratulates new US president
  35. Trump et al.— The Global Storm
  36. Goodbye to hope?
  37. Widening the Gap: Toblerone and the US Election
  38. Sarah Palin, Trump Victory “inspired by Brexit” and “we don’t want this globalism.”
  39. This day in 1989 and 2016
  40. Paul Ryan says Trump will lead ‘unified Republican government’
  41. Heart-wrenching video captures devastation of Clinton supporters as Trump victory became apparent
  42. Trump as a possible one-term President
  43. Jerry Mander – Trump Ran Against Himself and Won
  44. Married in Trumpland
  45. Watch: Fights & Protests Break Out In Front Of The White House & All Across America
  46. White People Glad They Can Finally Have A Turn In Power
  47. Here’s to Jeb and the NeverTrumpers who thought he couldn’t make it…
  48. How Do I Feel About the US Election?
  49. Hillary Clinton: A Story of Unmet Objectives
  50. This Isn’t the End (It Just Feels Like It)
  51. Retorts: The deep political divide remains
  52. Defeat of a Democracy
  53. The one graph that tells you why Donald Trump won the presidency
  54. Emotional Van Jones: ‘How do I explain this to my children?’
  55. Moving on from Election 2016
  56. We Must Aim Higher
  57. After the Election 2k16
  58. Stephen King Is “Shutting Down” After Trump Win
  59. What will we tell our children?
  60. Political Commentary- Outcome
  61. Dear America,
  62. Americans Desperately Try to Find New Diversion Topic for Thanksgiving Now That Election Is Over
  63. Donald Trump Did Not Destroy America





About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".
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24 Responses to Brexit No. 2 Blow-up

  1. tmezpoetry says:

    This is indeed a horrible day in American history with many more to follow. Half of Americans did not vote for him. Half of Americans will continue to fight bigotry, racism, Republican dictatorship on democracy, and will still fight for civil rights for all Americans. Half of Americans are not ready to concede or give up on the founding principles which made America a human rights advocate around the world.

    The vile election wore us out for sure. It is time for a much needed break. Still and in the meantime, half of America detest Donald Trump and what he stands for.


    • Marcus Ampe says:

      Those Americans who believe in the future of their nation should do everything to keep all sorts of peoples wanting to be part of what the Pioneers tried to build and making them to be united as Americans, no matter what sort of religion or no religion, or whatever skin-colour.

      That all make their voices come forward and keep fighting for what they believe in.

      Liked by 1 person

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