Inequality, Injustice, Sustainability and the Free World Charter

In some previous postings I talked already about certain systems which cost our society a lot of money and work-hours but could be avoided. In Belgium the system of having Mutualities or health-insurance companies and Labour unions paying out money for medical treatment or for unemployment demands extra administrative work. A few years ago I talked about an easier, less costing system, providing every citizen a basic income, and allowing everybody the freedom for working to receive a better income. Those at a certain age and put in retirement, should also be allowed to work freely and to gain some extra money, without loosing their pension or retirement allowance, as long as they do not work full time.

I have already mentioned more than once that our personal freedoms, environment and biodiversity have become critically endangered by our mismanagement of global resources. Economical gain has won the war for Egoistic Centralism. Lots of citizens have their own “I” in the picture, and spit on all those who say we do have to think of the others after us. Those who want to take in to account the less fortunate, the handicapped, the weak and sick, and would love to see a world where everybody shares a spirit of contributing together for a better world is considered a communist or (less dangerous) a socialist.

All bad words people would like to send me I keep preferring to aim for an entirely new world society based on fairness, common sense and survival. We have seen several systems which proved not to work. They mostly failed, like communism, because people were not willing to share with others and work for the whole community instead of only for the ‘self’.

A view of Earth's troposphere from an airplane.

A view of Earth’s troposphere from an airplane. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Most human beings consider themselves much higher than plants and animals, and consider them to be there for man’s convenience. Lots of people do not want to see the needs of all species and the environment, and do not want to accept that they all have to live in unison. Human beings, animals and plants are all inseparable parts of nature. We are IN nature – not outside or above it. All our species are connected to each other and the planet, and rely indirectly on each other for survival. It is true we need animals and plants for food. It is given to us (by the Divine Creator) fro food but that does not mean we just can wast it or use it without serious thought and consideration for the welfare of plants and animals. We must observe the combined common good of all species when interacting with any one.

English: The Critically endangered Strawberry ...

The Critically endangered Strawberry Spiderhead of the Cape Flats. Serruria aemula. SA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Too many persons forget that every living person and creature on this planet has an automatic entitlement to share in all the Earth’s natural resources, but that it requires a responsibility for each user of this planet. Those sources available to all of us are precious. We should use them to live a healthy and fulfilling life, but this in respect for everything around us.
Humanity, due to population size and complex lifestyle, has a particular duty not to overtax these natural resources, or use more than is reasonably necessary to maintain a happy and wholesome life within the combined common good.

We all should be well aware that our resources are limited either by absolute quantity or by the time it takes to manage and replace them. In either case, we must use our resources wisely to preserve both their supply and the environment.
In addition, we must minimise our accumulation of rarely used goods, and the amount of non-reusable waste that we produce. These have direct consequences on our environment. The more we conserve our world, the greater our chances of survival into the future.

Today still social, ideological and border divisions between people exist and limit free exchange of ideas and people. Those man-made barriers which have no physical or natural basis, create possibilities not only for debate but also for more serious conflicts and wars. In several cases the boundaries in this world are artificial divisions which can only be counter-productive to the common welfare and survival of society as a whole.

Our common similarities are, however, both physical and natural. Generally speaking, we all want and need the same things. With universal cooperation and equal access, we can all apply our skills more effectively to achieve these common aims. It only needs the voluntary free choice to feel united in the diversity and to see it as a supplementary asset for the whole community.

When people would be more open for other ideas and respect those people who dare to give a voice to their thoughts, it would be so much easier to like such a diversity of thoughts.

When there would be no diversification where a person comes from, or which colour he or she has, or  to which cast they belong, but giving everybody the same possibility to study a world of more understanding could be build. Any child that receives a useful and relevant education into the workings of nature, the world and community living, will ultimately provide the best service to that world and that community. Traditional career-driven education is now a measurably destructive force.

Ultimately, education will replace regulation, which is really only a crude system of maintaining order. For example, a child that fully understands why a certain action is not possible is infinitely better equipped for life than a child who only knows the fear of punishment for that action.

Taking care of a good educational formation each person could be guaranteed the highest technically possible standard of living without the use of money, trade or debt. There is no longer any logical reason not to do this. Virtually all of human suffering is caused by our outdated system of exchange. Though I do agree the free sharing is not always the easy way or shall not make it easy not having people misusing the system for enriching themselves. But this only shall happen as long as such mentality is stimulated and not considered as a-social.

All forms of debt and subordination are not only a hindrance to progress, but are now completely unnecessary. This is due to our command of technology and the ease with which we can produce and manufacture goods for ourselves.

In a new society without financial inhibitors and constraints, the greatest challenges facing humanity will be technical ones. ie. How do we provide enough food, water, shelter, energy, materials, and ensure a high standard of sustainable living for everybody?

As opposed to traditional politics and speculation, the scientific method is a proven, robust system of solving these technical problems using just the available facts and basic logic. It also has a common reference across all cultures and languages.

Once observed, these principles will realise human equality, minimise suffering and injustice, create a cooperative society that promotes progress and technology, and guarantees a healthy, diverse and sustainable world for all species.

We must remember that we share our planet not just with other people, animals and plants, but also with the seeds of future people, animals and plants, who will walk and grow here some day.

These beings, who have no voice or influence today, are equally as entitled to life as we are. It is in the interest of all our species to leave the world to our future generations just as we found it, if not better.

Therefore more people who believe in our capability of sharing this planet together in love, freedom and peace, who find that time has come to make some fundamental changes to our way of life,should come and share their ideas and give a voice to all who cannot speak, plants and animals but also the weaker people in our society.

The Earth flag is not an official flag, since ...

The Earth flag is not an official flag, since there is no official governing body over Earth. The flag holds a photo transfer of a NASA image of the Earth on a dark blue background. It has been associated with Earth Day. Although the flag was originally copyrighted, a judge ruled that the copyright was invalid. Earth Flag Ltd. v. Alamo Flag Co., 154 F. Supp. 2d 663 (S.D.N.Y. 2001) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When more people would join a worldwide community of people striving for world-peace and a liveable world in a respectful universe, this could not only be a first step but also an important sign to others on this planet. Why not join those who already gave a sign to adopt the principles of The Free World Charter. This is, we believe, the first crucial step mankind must now take in order to protect and preserve both ourselves and our planet.

If you see and do not agree with the “Inequality and Injustice“, the “Waste and Pollution“, the “Debt and Unemployment” and do find we all together have to do something against the “Obstructed Progress”, you should consider signing “The Free World Charter” which sets out ten very basic assertions that are resonant with nature, general common sense, fairness and sustainability. In essence, these ten guiding principles are our minimum requirements for survival and progress.

“Once people realise that a money-free society works, we will naturally become more positive in our actions, more cooperative, compassionate and productive.”

Our current systems of monetary, social, ideological and border divisions are imaginary, and clearly not working for us or our planet. The principles of the Charter, that are grounded in nature, would dissolve these imaginary barriers with just a few basic observations of mutual respect for each other and our planetary home.

Once we can get past our outdated methods of decision-making through speculation and diktat, and remove our imaginary barriers, we will find our only problems are technical ones. ie. How do we provide for everyone and use our planet in the optimum way? Only when we are free of our conflicting ideologies and methods, can we truly solve this problem.

Our technology is now at a level where we can comfortably provide for everyone without the need for hard labour. What we can automate, we will automate. We don’t need money to build machines, we can just build them. Tasks that can’t be automated can be rotated among a populace who would be more than happy to dedicate a small portion of their time to a community that sustains them.

Everything will be declared free to use, but within an understanding of natural and technical limits, and respect for the combined common good. These understandings are achieved initially through education, and ultimately through consensus.

Once people realise that a money-free society works, we will naturally become more positive in our actions, more cooperative, compassionate and productive.

A great era of change is almost upon us, but things may get worse before they get better as many struggle to maintain the old system. Signing and supporting The Free World Charter can help bring about these changes much sooner, more peacefully and without needless suffering.

The idea of the Charter is a simple one. It is our current system that is complicated, and the unravelling of that may take some time, but this is a patient initiative, designed to progress slowly and surely in one direction only – towards true freedom, abundance and sustainability.

We all have to have dreams, but you know, when more people join together they can make dreams come true. Looking at the Impact of the crisis on civil society organisations in the EU – Risks and opportunities I think we can speak of a Blow to legitimacy of the capitalist system.

Please give this initiative your utmost consideration. Thank you.

Read and sign the Charter

Have any doubts or questions?



In a world of diversity we can joyfully find many colourful ideas and people

You too may make a difference right here now:
join those who aim for freedom and peace and spread also the message of peace.

On all levels we do have to work, but first we do have to come to live together in full understanding and respect for each other, aiming for worldpeace. Therefore we do not have to wait; it is now that We Can and do have to Make a Difference–Right Here, Right Now

Kozo & Cheri asks that you… join B4Peace

Dutch speaking readers may find / Nederlandstalige lezers kunnen een Nederlandstalige tekst over dit handvest vinden: Kijk op het Vrije Wereld Handvest


Please do find additional reading:

  1. What is life?
  2. Right to be in the surroundings
  3. We are ourselves responsible
  4. Economics and Degradation
  5. Blow to legitimacy of the capitalist system
  6. Capitalism and Inequality
  7. Immigration consternation
  8. Dependance a factor of weakening
  9. To Work Longer or Die Younger
  10. Ageing and Solidarity between generations
  11. Youth unemployment and ability to move around Europe
  12. Having to wear a coat inside the house against the cold, as a college graduate, is a sign for society
  13. Impact of the crisis on civil society organisations in the EU – Risks and opportunities
  14. Ability for a community to come back from a crisis
  15. Voice for the plebs
  16. Parenthood made more difficult
  17. World Agenda for Sustainability
  18. Gender connections
  19. Women their education and chances to become a parliamentary
  20. Connection between women and environmental sustainability
  21. World Agenda for Sustainability
  22. Artist for peace
  23. How long will natural resources last [The InfoGraphics List]
  24. A bird’s eye and reflecting from within
  25. Facing disaster fatigue
  26. Taking care of mother earth
  27. Ecological economics in the stomach #1 Alarmbell
  28. Ecological economics in the stomach #2 Resources
  29. Ecological economics in the stomach #3 Food and Populace
  30. Ecological economics in the stomach #4 Water
  31. Waste and recycling
  32. Democratic downfall
  33. Cities essential part of Europe’s future
  34. Poverty a European Issue
  35. Steering captain Obama
  36. Second term for Obama
  37. USA Climate Change Action Plan
  38. Expanding opportunities for more American families
  39. Not holding back and getting out of darkness
  40. Science, belief, denial and visibility 1
  41. Science, belief, denial and visibility 2
  42. Being Religious and Spiritual 6 Romantici, utopists and transcendentalists
  43. If we, in our prosperity, neglect religious instruction and authority
  44. Race, Skin color and differences
  45. Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
  46. Accents in schools and tools of survival against aliens
  47. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #1 Up to 21st century
  48. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #4 The Family pact
  49. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #5 Housing
  50. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #7 Education
  51. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #8 Work
  52. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #9 Consumption
  53. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #10 Health
  54. Welfare state and Poverty in Flanders #12 Conclusion
  55. 1985-2012 Poverty in Europe
  56. Apartheid or Apartness #6 Anno 2012
  57. Self-development, self-control, meditation, beliefs and spirituality
  58. Looking for True Spirituality 2 Not restricted to an elite
  59. Philosophy hand in hand with spirituality
  60. Tu B’Shvat, the holiday of the trees
  61. Warm-blooded, feathered vertebrates
  62. Birds, Birds Everywhere
  63. The Lion King – Circle of Life
  64. Fragments from the Book of Job #6: chapters 38-42
  65. 2013 Lifestyle, religiously and spiritually
  66. 2013-2014 Money to be put on hold or to be used
  67. Jerez not an exception of poverty in Spain
  68. Belgium has weathered the global crisis quite well
  69. See the conquest and believe that we can gain the victory
  70. Being religious has benefits even in this life
  71. Engaging the enemy
  72. God’s wisdom for the believer brings peace
  73. We all have to have dreams
  74. Let’s Talk Happiness


  • Pushing the Pace of Tree Species Migration (
    Plants and animals have responded to past climate changes by migrating with habitable environments, sometimes shifting the boundaries of their geographic ranges by tens of kilometers per year or more. Species migrating in response to present climate conditions, however, must contend with landscapes fragmented by anthropogenic disturbance. We consider this problem in the context of wind-dispersed tree species. Mechanisms of long-distance seed dispersal make these species capable of rapid migration rates. Models of species-front migration suggest that even tree species with the capacity for long-distance dispersal will be unable to keep pace with future spatial changes in temperature gradients, exclusive of habitat fragmentation effects.
  • Dark Age America: The Population Implosion (
    The three environmental shifts discussed in earlier posts in this sequence—the ecological impacts of a sharply warmer and dryer climate, the flooding of coastal regions due to rising sea levels, and the long-term consequences of industrial America’s frankly brainless dumping of persistent radiological and chemical poisons—all involve changes to the North American continent that will endure straight through the deindustrial dark age ahead, and will help shape the history of the successor cultures that will rise amid our ruins. For millennia to come, the peoples of North America will have to contend with drastically expanded deserts, coastlines that in some regions will be many miles further inland than they are today, and the presence of dead zones where nuclear or chemical wastes in the soil and water make human settlement impossible.
  • “Our Living Planet” (
    Nature is the the whole picture that consists of a diversity of species, and wilderness.  Nature is like a description of the entire physcial world, and how it works including the universe, but its nonliving. The wilderness part, such as plants, insects, animals, is what makes nature more valuable.  Wilderness is part of nature but on a smaller scale. Nature is all alive because of the wildlife.
  • Biodiversity: Endangered species protection sought for dwindling monarch butterflies (
    As monarch butterfly populations dwindle to unprecedented low levels, activists say the colorful and far-ranging insects need protection of the Endangered Species Act to survive. In a formal listing petition to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, a coalition of advocacy groups say the widespread use of pesticides and genetically modified crops are the biggest threats to the butterflies.
  • Can we feed the world and save our species? (
    There is a range of intensities of primary production in Australia today. Hunting and gathering and use of fire to manipulate the abundance of native species is at the lowest end of the spectrum, then livestock grazing of native pastures, right through to complete replacement of native species for intensive cropping and forestry plantation (the latter requiring inputs in the way of fertilisers, machinery, chemicals etc.). The more intensive the production method, the more food and fibre can be produced per unit area, but with greater impact on biodiversity. Less intensive production methods provide opportunities for native species to coexist with production.
  • Include the poor in biodiversity conservation (

    Protecting biodiversity is humanity’s insurance policy against the unprecedented biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation which has occurred in recent decades, undermining the very foundations of life on earth.

    This is why this week’s 11th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Hyderabad, which India is hosting, is so important. The thousands of experts and officials representing nearly 200 countries attending the conference carry the enormous responsibility of facing the difficult trade-offs that lay at the heart of biodiversity management.

    In the race to increase national income, countries around the world are over-exploiting biodiversity by failing to integrate environmental measures in fisheries, agriculture, infrastructure and mining. This approach is understandable when governments are trying to quickly raise living standards but the risk of mismanaging biodiversity far outweighs short-term gains, reducing the ability of the environment to sustain the present generation, let alone meet the needs of future generations.

    A key theme of the conference is the impact of biodiversity loss on the poor. Dependent directly on nature for food, clean water, fuel, medicine and shelter, poor households are hit hardest by ecosystem degradation.

  • What role does nature play in economic growth? (
    When the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) deadline expires next year, the world will be able to point to several important achievements since their launch in 2000. Extreme poverty has been halved during this period; an estimated 100 million slum-dwellers have gained access to safe drinking water, and millions to health care; and large numbers of girls are now receiving an education. But considerable unfinished business and significant performance discrepancies remain.
  • Egoism and equality (
    For some people, other human beings are only ever a means to an end. The source of their self-esteem is their ability to realise their own personal vision. They see themselves as powerful creators and believe ideas like empathy, altruism and justice are just tricks the weak use to enslave the strong. As they see it, only those who lack power or self-respect would allow themselves to become servants to the ambitions of another.
    In contrast to egoists, egalitarians believe every person is entitled to equal concern and respect simply because they are human. They reject the idea that some people are somehow less human because they lack valued attributes such as beauty, physical ability or intelligence. And they oppose institutions and cultural practices that humiliate people by using race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability or inability to compete in marketplace as reasons to treat some people as less than fully human.
  • Most Britons expect to work on after ‘retirement’ (
    Just 29 per cent of UK workers believe that when they come to retire they will stop working altogether, according to pensions firm Aegon’s retirement readiness survey.Instead, they will enter into what is being dubbed a “phased retirement”, in which they will use some aspect of flexible working to combine leisure time with periods where they can still earn some extra money to top up their pensions.
    +The report found that the proportion of people who will continue to work after retirement is higher in the UK than those living in other western European nations like Sweden, where 36 per cent will give up work entirely. In France it is 51 per cent and Spain is 52 per cent.David Macmillan, managing director at Aegon UK, said: “We are living longer and many people can expect to spend 20 or 30 years in retirement. As a result it is not surprising that many 
people intend to work part-time in retirement and balance flexible working against leisure and activities they’ve always wanted to do. However, increased flexibility means people have more choice about how they take their pension income and it will become increasingly important that people have a plan in mind.”
  • Pensions not necessarily safe if cities face financial ruin (

    Forget what you might have thought: a career in the government meant your pensions were safe. With the ruling yesterday from U.S. Judge Steven Rhodes, who green-lighted the Detroit bankruptcy, pensioners everywhere have reason to be afraid. Not only does his ruling have implications for pensions in Detroit, experts warn that his ruling could also set a precedent which could have major implications for other pensioners throughout the United States.

    The first city which may test this theory for pensions is San Bernardino, who is about to begin a major battle with CalPERS over the sanctity of public employee pensions. Although the ruling in Detroit does not legally affect San Bernardino, it could strengthen the case for San Bernardino to lower its pensions.

    Historically, bankruptcy was not used to lower pension expenses, but now that cities may have the court’s blessings more cities may decide it is worth it to have the fight, especially those with high pension debts. Other cities, such as Stockton and Vallejo, however, have said no thanks and instead have found other ways to find solvency.

About Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".
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16 Responses to Inequality, Injustice, Sustainability and the Free World Charter

  1. Pingback: Of old and new ideas to sustain power and to feel good by loving to be connected and worship something | From guestwriters

  2. Pingback: Man in picture, seen from the other planets | Marcus Ampe's Space

  3. Pingback: Daring to speak in multicultural environment | From guestwriters

  4. Pingback: Winter and Spring wonders of nature showing the Master’s Hand | From guestwriters

  5. Pingback: A charter for a truly free world and why we need it | From guestwriters

  6. Pingback: Not everything has to be reciprocated with money | Marcus Ampe's Space

  7. Pingback: It’s time to build a new system | From guestwriters

  8. Pingback: Selfishness can become our biggest ally for the Money Free Movement | From guestwriters

  9. Pingback: Honest-hearted people are losing faith in humanity and humanity losing faith in God | Belgian Biblestudents - Belgische Bijbelstudenten

  10. Pingback: Academic intolerance for dissenting views is reaching new highs | Marcus Ampe's Space

  11. Pingback: Tackling the pollution challenge | Marcus Ampe's Space

  12. Pingback: Hollowness of democracy | Marcus Ampe's Space

  13. Pingback: The MAGAs and the Man – Some View on the World

  14. Pingback: How willing are people to stand up for their values and beliefs – Some View on the World

  15. Pingback: Freedom a particular but gracious thing – Worldviewer

  16. Pingback: What to change about modern society | From guestwriters

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